Our After School Club

After School Club 



After School Club (ASC) provides a happy, relaxed and safe environment whilst offering a wide variety of themed play and creative opportunities from the end of the School day until the provision closes at 6pm.  Activities include playdough, painting, colouring, construction and reading.  The large screen can also be used for various physical activities such as dance tutorials or How to Draw interactive guidance.

Before coming along to ASC, parents/carers must complete the below Registration form.  Once this has been received, children can come along to ASC either on a regular or adhoc basis.  Please note it is the responsibility of the parent to complete an up to date form should any contact details or dietary/allergy information alter.


The dedicated email address for parents to use for all ASC queries or bookings is afterschoolclub@hadleigh-inf.essex.sch.uk


Timings and Structure


 3:15 – 3:30: Welcome Drink and a Small Snack

 3:30 – 4:10: Themed/ Structured Activities

 4:00 – 4:20: Snacktime

 4:20 – 6:00: Free Play




Drink and a small snack – When the children arrive at ASC they will be given a choice of squash or water and either a biscuit, raisins or breadsticks.


Themed/Structured Activities – Every week there will be a planned theme from Superheros and Unicorns to Space and Transport.  There will be a variety of creative activities for the children to take part in such as:

  •          Colouring and drawing
  •          Cutting and sticking/ making
  •          Small scale construction – lego or similar
  •          Reading opportunities
  •          Imaginative play – dolls/ small world/ cars etc
  •          Playdoh


Weather permitting, children will also have access to the playground and gym trail.

Snacktime – On arriving at ASC each child will be asked to choose a filling for a small sandwich.  During this session the children will have the opportunity to sit and eat together.  Along with their sandwich, the children will receive a drink and some crisps. This session is designed to build confidence and improve communication skills. 

Free play – The children will have a range of toys, games and equipment they can use during this session.





Cost of sessions for one child




3:15 – 4:00


3:15 – 5:00


3:15 – 6:00



Cost of sessions for one or more siblings



One Child

Two Children

Three Children

3:15 – 4:00




3:15 – 5:00




3:15 – 6:00





 Cost of session if child is not arriving until after 4



Cost per child

4:00 – 5:00


4:00 – 6:00





T. 01702 557979
E. admin@hadleigh-inf.essex.sch.uk